3D Laser Scanning Services Help With Additive Manufacturing

3D Laser Scanning Services Help With Additive Manufacturing

Technology Ensures High-Quality Components

Engineers and 3D laser scanning services providers are leveraging 3D scanning services to ensure high-quality additive manufacturing components. 3D scanning can also help engineers ensure that the processes for 3D printing or other forms of additive manufacturing, like laser sintering, are done efficiently and accurately. Engineers can use 3D laser scanning data to determine if an object will fit within a specific space or need some modifications before it can be printed.

What is additive manufacturing?

Additive manufacturing is when manufacturers add material together in layers to build an object or component. Additive manufacturing is complex, and there are many different technologies that can be used, but all have the same goal: to build 3D objects from scratch. The parts in question can be made of many different materials, such as plastic, metal, or ceramic. Rapidly advancing technology in this field means that  3D printing is becoming more accessible for businesses and consumers alike.

How 3D laser scanning services work

There are a few different ways that 3D scanning services can work. The most common way is point-cloud scanning, where a scanner will take pictures of an object from all angles. These pictures are then processed by software that will create a 3D model of the object. Other scanning methods include laser triangulation, time-of-flight, and structured light.

Recently, 3D scanning services have been using X-ray scanning to create 3D models. This technology uses low-dose x-rays to penetrate the surface of an object and generate a 3D image. It’s useful for objects that have hidden features or are made from materials that are not transparent. Because additive manufacturing is so complex, 3D scanning services are adding massive amounts of value to the visualization of parts.

Why 3D scanning is important in additive manufacturing

One of the main benefits of 3D scanning services is that they help engineers verify that objects are being printed correctly. In addition, 3D scanners can measure 3D objects and identify any changes necessary for 3D printing. 3D scanners can also help engineers view the internal structure of components, which is not possible with a traditional visual inspection.

Some new technologies like x-ray scanning will allow engineers to see through an object, such as monitoring how metal fillers are distributed inside 3D printed components. 3D scanning services can also help engineers and 3D printing companies create and design new objects and 3D print those designs in a cost-effective manner.

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