How are 3D Printers Helping Children with Learning and Physical Disabilities Gain Confidence?

December 20, 2017

So far, educators have managed to create Braille alphabet tiles, Christmas ornaments, bolts, dice, word blocks and phone stands for children suffering from a disability. Now, they’re setting their eyes on intricate 3D technology like 3D printers to 3D print the circuit blocks, maps, human organs, and gears. Whether the child is suffering from impaired vision, physical disability or facing learning disabilities – 3D technology is their one-stop solution. The technology is gaining acceleration, particularly in the education sector because what might lighten up the eyes of one student, might leave another student confused. With one in every five children in the U.S. suffering from learning disabilities, 3D printing is a boon in disguise because it prevents children with special needs feel singled out.

Here are a few ways how 3D technology is creating disruptions and giving new life to these children.

1) 3D Printers create Comfortable, personalized equipment

3D printers are adding magic to the lives of children with special needs by providing equipment, which makes them forget their disability. Take, for example, a child is suffering from quadriplegia, which results in partial or total loss of limbs. Such a child cannot concentrate in the class due to low self-confidence. But, with the help of this immersive technology, children can use their limbs and perform activities like a normal child. In the coming years, with the help of 3D technology, companies can take individual measurements and print personalized equipment for the kids.

2) 3D printers Advocate hands-on learning

For teachers, understanding and dealing with the learning disability is a challenge because a child finds it hard to understand even a simple concept. Today, teachers are shifting their teaching methodology to tactile teaching, which includes using demonstrative, auditory and visual objects to engage the children. 3D printers bring an unexplored aspect of learning to the classroom. For students who have dyslexia, it’s hard to understand why the structural integrity of a monument like Leaning Tower of Pisa or Statue of Liberty lies on different factor but using physical tools they can understand why specific shapes outperform the other and why certain materials are preferred over others. With hands-on learning experience, such students participate in class discussion and adapt easily to the learning environment. Knowledge that comes from innovative learning remains with forever with a child.

3) 3D printers Make learning fun

A fact of life for these kids is getting available material before they tackle the difficulties of biology and geometry. Using plastic quadrant graphs and 3D printed human hearts, such children can be on the same page with the rest of the class. The technology is boosting confidence and protecting these children from facing embarrassing situations.

With 3D printers, children are transported to a physical environment and help them forgo their disability because learning is made fun with 3D printed objects. From creating comfortable equipment to providing an immersive learning experience, 3D technology is proving to be a friend in need for children with special needs. Currently, more than 100 million children around the globe need special 3D printing technology to overcome their fear of disability, but only one in 10 are getting the access to it. The road to success is tough but reachable.

For 3D scanning services and 3D printing services, call Arrival 3D at 866-687-7784.