Evolutionary Beginning Found with 3D Laser Scanning


Studying the imprint of a worm the size of a grain of rice

As technology gains adoption throughout the world and we become more evolved as a society, one question remains. What did we develop from and what was the beginning of evolution. Technology is always changing and providing new sources we can use to learn from.

The latest find that researchers have come across is a 500-billion-year-old fossil of a worm. It was found in the sea burrowed in the floor. It could hold the answers we have all been looking for. Why is the fossil so valuable to researchers? This tiny microscopic, rice-sized imprint of a worm, is not the oldest fossil ever found.

How could a worm have anything to do with evolution? Well, this old fossil shows the imprint of a worm that has two halves that are identical, or almost similar. This is called bilateral symmetry and was found to be a crucial step in evolution.

How did scientists find the fossil

It started 15 years ago when researchers noticed tiny holes in rocks. They knew it was made by something with a bilateral system, but could not delve more in-depth than that. Since technology has grown so much, scientists have been able to adopt 3D laser scanning to help them research.

3D laser scanning allowed the scientists to observe and study the fossils and rocks on a more detailed level. Something they could not have done otherwise. The imprint of the worm itself was only the size of a grain of rice. Usually, this would be very hard to study and observe. 3D laser scanning has helped make one of the most important discoveries in our world.

Benefits of 3D laser scanning

This technology not only allows researchers and scientists to gather information is helps them see details they would not usually see. Without 3D laser scanning, it may have taken them years to find this discovery.

3D laser scanning captures information like size, texture, color, and any small details in between that could quickly go missed by people. Instead of examining one fossil for hours, researchers can take accurate and precise scans in just a few moments.

This not only helps capture important information is creates a digitalized copy that can be shared all over the world. It creates a record that can be saved and used as a reference in the cloud. After it is collected or sent, it can be replicated into a physical model or developed into virtual reality.

Why is this discovery important

Learning what we evolved from and learning how it happened is crucial for researchers and scientists. Why? It helps us understand who we are as people, how some biological issues started happening and finding the root will help us fix those problems.

3D laser scanning has allowed scientists to find a massive discovery that could shape the way we learn about human evolution in the future. As more studying is done with this technology, the more we will learn about ourselves.


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