Baptist Church and 3D Laser Scanning

historic church

Preserving history for future generations

3D laser scanning has been an excellent resource for architects and project managers working to restore historic sites. It uses the best technology to capture precise and tiny details that typically would not be achieved by human eyes. This amazing technology can capture things like scratches, patterns, holes, textures, and all dimensions. The best part is it obtains this information in under a few moments. It is a way to share information instantly, making it one of the most valuable tools on the market.

The information can not only create exact replicas of historical sites, but it also saves the information. If a user chooses that data and 3D image can be used for the public to view and download. It creates an open way to share knowledge, and because of this, 3D laser scanning technology is becoming widely adopted to restore historic sites.

Who is using this technology

Italy has used 3D laser scanning for some time to help restore famous monuments and historic sites. The latest site to use this technology was a historic Baptist church in Florence, Italy. They used this technology to help restore 700-year-old doors on the front of the building.

In 2016 a team of researchers took down the oldest doors because they wanted to restore them. This project ended up being a 3-year project. The researchers had to be very careful and detailed to create doors that were an exact replica.

Why 3D laser scanning is suitable for restoring buildings

This technology creates a noninvasive way to replicate any item. It captures the most accurate detail and produces ways for the researchers to fix the problem areas. 3D laser scanning allows a historical object to be handled less, and that means there is less chance of anything breaking.

The best part about this technology is the scanning is rather quick. It can scan hundreds of sites and objects in just a few days. This moves any project along much faster than it would initially take. This is one of the best ways to bring our history back to life.

Who else can use this technology

Many people use this technology, it is no longer for researchers or scientists but for anyone with interest in 3D laser scanning. Students have adopted it as a study aid, and project managers have adopted it to rebuild homes in third world countries. Police officers use it to help learn layouts of buildings to protect citizens, and now forensic investigators can use it at crime scenes to collect evidence.

How it can help preserve our future

Restoring historic sites is extremely important when preserving our history for future generations to see. The most amazing thing about 3D laser scanning is that after it is scanned, the data is stored in the cloud, this can be used at any point in the future as a reference or a way to share the scanned items. This can help ensure the future generations will be able to see what our historical monuments and sites looked like as they were being scanned.

Keep reading: more articles about 3D scanning