Insurance Agencies Are Adopting 3D Laser Scanning


Technology captures images of properties at a faster pace

3D laser scanning is becoming some of the primary technology we use to create sustainable products, collect information, and a useful way to share that information on a global level. This technology has been used in surprising ways, and because so many people are adopting 3D laser scanning, it has created a highly competitive market.

Insurance companies started using this technology to take scans of properties that helps the agent assess any damage, mistakes, and anything in between to file a claim. It is now taking a role in massive ways for insurance companies to use. It is being used to see what needs to be repaired and adjusted, it is also keeping accurate 3D files of a place. As codes change, the agents and insurance companies can go back to see what needs to be changed to keep up with the regulations.

3D laser scanning shows all of the damage done, keeps track of the loss. It also helps create a plan that will fix the building. This technology makes a job less time consuming, and it creates a channel of communication between all departments. Instead of sending multiple people at once, a scan can be done and sent to an entire team for evaluation in just a few minutes.

What is 3D laser scanning

This technology uses a camera that captures images at a rapid pace. It uses lights that scan points on an object and measures the distance of the reflection of the light to get accurate details of an object. It obtains information like layout, size, dimensions, any damage is done, texture, and color. Any feature you can think of can be captured by a 3D laser scanning device.

It was created in the 1960s but had a lot of issues to work out, so it was used until the 1990s. Since the creation of 3D laser scanning, it has developed into a smaller handheld device that is easy for one person to use. It has become one of the most budget-friendly ways to gather and share data.

Once it is collected, it is forever saved in cyberspace, turning it into a 3D file in the cloud. When it is stored and saved, it can never be erased, perfect for future references. It can be edited, sent to many different people, and even turned into virtual reality. This means anyone can walk into a place and see accurate details as if they were there.

Final thoughts

Many individuals are adopting 3D laser scanning for a variety of uses. Researchers are using this to preserve historical sites and creating virtual reality tours for everyone in the world to access. Students use this technology to study ancient artifacts. Lastly, researchers are using this to create artificial organs that can actually be used! This technology created limitless ways to improve our lives.

As this technology develops, we will continue to find more uses for 3D laser scanning, and it will be adopted globally. Many different professionals have already started using this technology, and it has created a hot topic in our world. It has changed our lives and will continue to do so.

Keep reading: more articles about 3D scanning