4 Reasons for Using Virtual Reality for Educational Purposes

November 26, 2017
virtual reality

Virtual reality is at its highest peak, and VR devices are expected to witness 85% increase by 2020, with education and gaming sector contributing the maximum. Earlier the content of this market was limited to just gaming, but the world is evolving. Over the last several years, teachers have claimed umpteen benefits from their immersive experiences. The rising global distribution of the technology is likely to bring about a pedagogical shift because it’s allowing a literature teacher in Florida to look at the artifacts placed in the museum in Athens. With the help of VR, we are capable of designing an artificial reality, which is advocating scenario-based learning, experiential learning and enhancing social learning in the students. VR in the classroom is bringing the world at the footstep of the students.

1. Virtual Reality allows for Exploration and learning without stepping a foot outside a classroom

Back in the 1980s, students were required to get a permission slip signed by their parents if they were leaving the school premises. But, thanks to virtual reality, travel is made convenient and the constraint of time and permission slip no longer troubles a student. Visit the Eifel tower or the National Gallery in London, without leaving the school. Also, students can see through the life of a scientist, surgeon, businessman and choose their profession. Your students will explore the world, which will enhance their understanding.

2. virtual reality Eliminates the language barrier

VR is creating a seamless platform for the international education by eliminating the potential language and communication barriers. For students aspiring to study in international colleges, VR  and its subsequent software have come as a boon in disguise because using the two every possible language can be embedded in the learning experience. VR in the coming years is bound to open a new door and making learning a fun experience.

3. The Impossible is made possible

Data from the pedagogy of game-based learning shows that your kids absorb and learn either by doing or by being present. VR ability to introduce practical knowledge in a student creates an invaluable learning experience. Rather than reading about the boring history, students can simply put words underneath a headset and experience it happening in real-time but virtually. Also, virtual reality creates an imaginative world, which is capable of breaking every boundary in the traditional education. Today, students need encouragement and inspiration to explore their potential and channelize their energy in the correct direction. The level of engagement which VR is capable of producing will steer the students’ towards intellect and shape their bright future. This technology is sparking the interest of the students who otherwise are glued to Smartphones or laptops.

4. Develops empathy toward the society

Imbibing the culture of understanding other’s pain is something the traditional education fails to achieve. Teachers can show the harsh reality of life through the VR headset and let the students develop empathy for the community in crisis by stepping into their shoes.

Learn more about virtual reality here.