Mapping of The Cenacle and King David’s Tomb


3D laser technology helps preserve religious historical sites and artifacts

Technology being used to create historical sites

3D laser scanners have created a world that allows us to carefully preserve our history in times we nearly forget historical events. In 2016 Amit Re’em Jerusalem district archaeologist for the Israel Antiquities Authority started a project that would change how we remember Jesus’ last supper. He was able to take 3D laser scanners and map out the entire site without having to touch or take molds, fully preserving the ancient site.

Why researchers chose 3D laser scanners for this site

There was no other way to protect the site, and with the 3D maps of this historical site, in the event that it somehow gets destroyed, they will be able to recreate this site, almost accurately how it was. The reason researchers think this is an incredibly important task is because more and more historical buildings are in need of being rebuilt. No one has accurate depictions of what these buildings look at. For instance, recently, the Notre Dame roof caught on fire and ripped through the building. Being able to replicate these historic buildings is one of the first steps in remembering historical events.

What religions care about preserving this era in history

The Cenacle and King David’s Tomb is an incredibly important historical site for three religions. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. These are some of the most prominent most widely spread religions, and it is crucial keeping these historical sites preserved.

3D laser scanning has helped us recreate artifacts without having to touch them. Laws protect these sites, and they are not able to be dug up or touched to take molds. This technology has helped us find ways to get the most accurate details without posing any threats to the ancient site.

The team of researchers was able to pick up every symbol and create a room you can thoroughly view. Not only did the 3D laser scanners pick up everything on the inside, but it was able to pick up details of the infrastructure too, how it was being help up, the shape of the outside, as well as most dimensions. If anything were to happen to this famous place, a construction team would be able to use the 3D mapping and recreate it.

How does this technology work

3D laser scanning is the act of taking thousands of pictures per minute and saving the information from those pictures to the cloud. The pictures pick up accurate dimensions, measurements, colors, and every crook and cranny a human eye could miss. After it is saved in the cloud, it can then be uploaded to a partnering system where the images can be edited. Once they are edited, you can create virtual reality, or 3D print the models for physical use.

This technology is now crucial in helping to recreate historical sites, and the information can easily be shared all over the world. Not only this, but it can be saved forever, for future use. 3D laser scanners are quickly becoming the most valuable technological tool in the world.

3D laser scanning helps more than just researchers; it can help all consumers create some of the best standards and quality of living. As this technology gets adopted around the world, more people will benefit from the uses.

Keep reading: more articles about 3D scanning