The Future of Firefighters Lies With Virtual Reality

The advent of futuristic technology has empowered the firefighting departs to massively rely on immersive virtual reality. And, it’s a no surprise that the firefighting job is dangerous, but VR will help make the life comfortable and easier for people working in the department. As per the U.S. Fire Department, in 2017 there were 93 on duty firefighting deaths. The overwhelming physical stress on the body due to firefighting results in periodic deterioration of health. The revolutionary impact of VR is emerging as a technology which helps to create a safer and reliable working environment. VR is finally arriving at a form that is practical to the mass users. Gone are those days when a VR headset was beyond the pockets. Today, it’s affordable and revolutionizing the firefighting department.

How does virtual reality and firefighting mix?

The importance of using vR for firefighters

Before the advent of virtual reality, the training for firefighters involved recreation of real-life-like scenarios, which were not only costly but were challenging as well. In the end, it would lead the firefighters ill-prepared, which proves disastrous when they face real scenarios. The traditional methods did not prepare the firefighters to deal with the worst. It taught them how to extinguish the fire under different circumstances. But, saving the life of the people stuck in the fire is far more than extinguishing the fire. However, by leveraging the effectiveness of VR technology, companies are successfully creating realistic and scenario-based training. It is helping the firefighters to enhance their efficiency, safety, and performance when entering real-life fire calls.

The use of Virtual reality for training

VR fire training is not the replacement for traditional live fire training. Live fire training wherein the firefighters are prone to extreme heat and tough competition is a necessity to perform outstandingly well in real situations. VR training is a supplement allowing firefighters to stay proficient in tactics and real circumstances. The VR training makes use of both software and hardware in computer simulation for different training purposes. One common system used in fire training is a driver training simulator. These simulators present the driver with various driving hazards and conditions based on the situation. The simulators are completely dedicated to command, control and provide incident training. The technology brought about a massive change in the way firefighters deal with life-threatening situations.

VR is useful in learning retention

Virtual reality is a massive success because humans are visual learners and learn effectively when they see visuals instead of reading from the books. VR iradicates passive learning and fosters active learning. VR is giving the firefighters the ability to participate in a learning session and helps in creating an active learning experience. And, active learning experience enhances the retention by up to 75% as compared to passive learning that has a retention rate of just 20-30%.

Practical training and learning retention are just of the few uses of virtual reality in firefighting. Today, VR systems are a gateway to facilitate fire training.

Learn more about virtual reality by clicking here!