Is Virtual Reality the Grow Accelerator for the Trendy Fashion Industry?

December 21, 2017
virtual reality fashion

There is more to virtual reality than gaming, and the fashion industry is just starting to create an out-of-this-world experience for the trend lovers. The technology is forcing us to think away from the physicalities of accessories and clothing. It’s allowing fashion designers to turn something tactile into an immersive digital experience. VR is finally poised for mainstream adoption in fashion, and for many designers, it has already become a new medium for creating the out-of-the-box customer experience. However, for fashion experts, long-term implementation initially might be costly, but it will help in creating a consumer-driven product and will serve as a vital step in solving fashion’s sustainability conundrum.

Here are a few ways how VR will accelerate the fashion industry in the coming years.

1) Using Virtual Reality for conducting high-end fashion shows

To strengthen the experience of visiting a brick-and-mortar store, designers around the world are launching virtual reality experience to woo the customers. Shoppers can now wear the VR headset to witness the different fall collection of designers on the runway. In the coming years, VR will allow the customers to witness virtual drapes hundreds meter long coming out of a model walking on the ramp. Designers can now install VR headsets in their stores across the world to provide the customers with complete access to its latest runway show. VR is empowering fledging designers global exposure, which otherwise is impossible. Also, broadcasting the runway show in 360 degrees will allow first-row access to commoners next to celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Kate Moss, etc.

2) Virtual Reality In designing 3D garments

Today, customers are tired of trying on different outfits just to check whether they fit right or not. The process of waiting, visiting the store, going to the fitting room to try the outfit is irritating for the fashion retail stores and customers. Using the VR mirrors, designers can record the measurement of the customers online and offer an experience, which is not only enriching but convenient to the shoppers and retail stores. Through, virtual fitting rooms, customers can try different outfits by simply flicking their hand. And, designers can permanently record the measurement to ensure that a customer receives a perfect size every time they visit the online store.

3) Using virtual reality For enriching a better store experience

Fashion leaders across the world are confident that virtual reality will completely change the landscape of how customers will interact with their brand. Today, it’s no longer about the size of the store; it’s about how many surprises a designer can plan for the customers. VR is creating immersive experiences, which is bringing a paradigm shift in the way the fashion industry is dealing with the customers. VR is indeed a great and a refreshing way for brands to directly engage with the customers.

With virtual reality, barriers to fashion industry are slowly closing because the technology is empowering designers to unleash their creativity without fearing the outcome. When it comes to VR, the sky is the limit.

For your custom virtual reality application development needs, call Arrival 3D at 866-687-7784.