Theater 3D Scanning process
Scanning the theater space requires multiple scans with sufficient overlap to ensure accuracy in scan registration to provide a unified result that captures the complete space. Areas that are not line of sight from the scanner should be evaluated prior to onsite scanning to ensure onsite support with scaffolding or manlift to access areas that may not otherwise be captured, or require additional scanning time.
Given that theaters may contain hundreds or even thousands of seats, and that the focus of scanning a theater is typically the architectural elements such as floors, walls, ceiling etc., it is typical that the scans of the seating itself is largely incomplete. Therefore, if there is a requirement to capture seating in specific detail this should be identified in the RFQ process. It may require significant additional time and effort to capture seating to a higher level of detail and provide it in a deliverable format.
Theater 3D scanning details
Theaters often contain ornate woodwork, sculpture, relief or fixtures, these items can also be captured to reproduce details that are faithful to the original if reproductions are required. Scanning of such decorative elements should be evaluated in addition to the scanning of large surface areas as they may require supplemental scanning technology as well as specialized processing to provide a format that is compatible with the reproduction method.