
Aerospace 3D Scanning Services

Our expert scanning team uses the fastest and most accurate 3D laser scanners available and will work closely with you to clearly understand your needs  set you up for success. 

aircraft 3D scanning services

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Call us today for a consultation and find out how Arrival3D can bring the accuracy and cost-saving benefits of 3D laser scanning to your project.

What can be scanned?

There are a great variety of different parts and objects that can be scanned including: molds, tools, jigs, fixtures body panels and even complete aircraft. If you don’t have digital 3D drawings of your tooling, or any drawings at all, 3D scanning is a way to capture them and preserve their shape using precise 3D scanning technology. No prior 3D experience is required for you to start taking advantage of 3D scanning. Output files are provided in neutral standard formats that you can provide to your engineers to utilize.

Every scan has a plan that is unique to your project. If you are interested in seeing every 1″ conduit that is inside a building, the scan plan will involve closely-spaced scans and more of them in order to capture all of the conduit from every angle. If your area of interest is much larger, such as capturing 12″ piping runs across the property of your facility, the scans will be spaced much farther apart. In either case, we make the best and most efficient use of the on-site scanning time so as to accomplish your needs with minimum cost.


How accurate are the results?

3D scanning is typically accurate to within +/- .005 mm for most applications, but depending on which scanner is used, accuracy in the .001 mm range is achievable. We select the most efficient 3D scanning method that can meet your minimum accuracy requirement. By identifying the least amount of accuracy that you can live with, we can optimize the process to save you money.

How accurate are the results?

Common reasons include:

  • Archive or reproduce molds, fixtures and tooling
  • Document and preserve hand-built designs
  • Reverse-engineer a part that has no drawings
  • For FAA repair stations to create replacement parts
  • Duplicate a part
  • Re-create a part </using new methods such as 3D printing
  • Inspect parts for accurate manufacturing
  • Create drawings and prints for government certification
  • Obtain models for FEA and CFD simulation
  • Create a new mold for forming tool for a part
3D Laser Scanning - Arrival3d
Point Cloud

What can you do with a 3D model created by reverse engineering services?

Because of the high quality models produced during the reverse engineering process, the models happen to be very versatile. Among the many things that are possible:
  • Machining & molding
  • 3D printing
  • Making changes to the design
  • Create 2D Drawings
  • Exploded 3D visualizations and animations
  • Comparisons with other parts or scans
  • Can be used to design mating parts or packaging
  • Drawings can be sent overseas for manufacturing instead of the part

Alternatively, you can just keep the 3D model for safekeeping as documentation for future reference knowing, should the part ever be lost or destroyed, that you have sufficient information build another one. The sky is the limit as to what you can do once the object is in its digital form.

Are there limitations on size?

Great news! With different laser scanners, we are able to scan parts as small as 1/4 inch to huge aircraft and everything in between. Most of our scanners are portable, therefore we are able to scan at the your location. But if your item is small enough, it is usually cheaper to ship the item to one of our scanning offices. This is because our offices are set up to scan items quickly and economically.

more examples of aircraft-related 3D scanning

Here are some scans we have done for clients in the aviation/aerospace industry: