3D Scanning services in School

September 8, 2019

Just like the microscope or the projector, a 3D scanner is becoming a required resource for educational institutions

A lot of people make a point of focusing on the detrimental effects of new technology, for instance how it is making kids more sedentary and therefore lazier and more detached from the world at large, but the reality is that it is giving us tons of opportunities to notice things that we simply would not take the time to otherwise.

Scanning devices are a clear example of this as they have the impressive ability to invite us, as observers, to study the nature of how it is that that things are and even how we can express ourselves through them. This is no small deal and when placed within the context of a classroom the results can speak volumes. A science class without a microscope would be missing something. Well nowadays, a 3D scanner is required equipment as well.

We are then also free to take it one step further, and actually contemplate how it is that we can even improve upon them by introducing our individual sensibilities, particularly by manipulating the captured scan with modeling software until we achieve the desired result.  It isn’t the easiest thing to do, however the results can be very rewarding, particularly when the experience is framed as part of a curriculum that paints a broader picture and allows us to make all sorts of meaningful connections.

What’s key in all of this that’s being discussed is the opportunity to put students in the driving seat and making it abundantly clear that what they’re pursuing is a vision of their own, or perhaps more importantly a fundamental question about what defines the 3D scanning world that we find ourselves interacting and deriving meaning from every single day. From this perspective it’s hard not to get sucked in and feeling as though taking the reigns is as much a duty as it is a privilege.

There may be doubt about putting sophisticated technology in the hands of young people but the reality is that this is one of the best ways to leach them the true meaning of responsibility, among other things. People tend to care for the things that they learn to understand as they can really see them as an extension of their very selves.

Thanks to the versatility that 3D scanning offers, as a student you can use it time and time again as you follow your educational path where new ideas are sure to be popping into your mind. And in this manner students can have more of a why not, instead of a why approach, towards the projects that they are faced with. It simply can’t be understated how 3D scanning services can be used in so many ways that lead to all kinds of lightbulb moments.

It’s no wonder that even though your interests as a student change and evolve you can bet that the possibilities will grow right along with you. This makes a lot of sense when you consider the fact that at the beginning there is so much that you simply don’t know is possible, and as you start to form a solid foundation you can really use it later as a jumping point to try new things that shy away from modesty.

The first thing you need to understand before researching possible scanning options for your classroom is that there simply is no best scanner option. They vary a great deal and while you may like something about a particular scanner you need to look at all the factors before making a decision, as the decision by its very nature will be anything but straightforward. It may even make sense to have a “3D scanning service” within the school that maintains the equipment and provides training to facilitate it for everyone, since it would be impractical for every classroom to have a good 3D scanner.

When talking about 3D scanning services within an educational capacity what you most likely want is one that will work within the context of an assortment of potential assignments. The last thing you want is to be pigeonholed by limitations that you originally think to be irrelevant. A good 3D scanner will get the ball rolling with respect to what you feel the general direction of your teachings should be. If they don’t work for you they may very well work against you.

There’s no doubt about the fact that the more hands on an educational experience the more enriching it is for everyone involved. There are studies that have proven this beyond the shadow of a doubt. Direct interaction with something that pertains to a topic or a theme is a major advantage from the perspective of someone that’s coming to terms with the depth that it has. Through tactile interaction there’s an inherently solid foundation for engagement that promotes intuitive thought processes that help to find a deeper meaning, and it is in this sense that it can easily make all the difference when trying to impart knowledge to a student.

One of the areas where 3D scanning really shines within an educational context is in the realm of science. The problem stems from the technical nature of this subject matter and how it discourages many students from tackling it head in with an inquisitive disposition that would otherwise ideally lead them to try to grasp topics with a genuine sense of wonder.

What makes the inclusion of 3D scanning in schools is that it doesn’t have any barriers. It can pretty much be adapted to any subject that you can think of and in this sense it can be shared between the various departments of a high school.  A generous 3D scanning services company can even visit the school to provide demonstrations.

What is sure to ensure the success of 3D technology in general, but scanning technology in particular, is the various areas of science that it can help cover where over saturation of raw date is most common. Among these are included physics and anatomy, the latter of which is especially enlightening as individuals could develop a personal relationship with terms by developing a 3D approached thought process. This is important as there should be both distinctions and connections drawn between different topics that students take on. They will then be more prepared for engineering type careers in their future where they may make use of 3D scanning services.

The great thing about technological advancements where individuals can get involved is that as it is so well received there is ample opportunity for numerous demographics to get involved, and this should be greatly encouraged. Education is an obvious area, not just because of the sheer size that it represents but because the whole point of it is to take on new challenges and overcome obstacles in order to come away with meaningful experiences that will serve us throughout our lives as inquisitive and open-minded individuals. We will also be better prepared to utilize 3D scanning services in our workplace or business.


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