Note – we are not distributors of these products. They are listed for information only.
Portable CMM (coordinate measurement machine) arms fitted with a laser probe are a great choice for scanning small-to-medium sized parts with high accuracy. The arm is mounted to a fixed base and has six or seven joints with encoders in them that keep track of its exact position. The laser probe that emits a laser line that is projected onto the surface of the object. A camera sensor on the laser probe captures the 3D point cloud data from the laser passes without actually touching the object. When scanning with a CMM arm, it is critical that the part(s) remain perfectly still. Any movement during scanning will cause scanning inaccuracies such as doubling or noise. While CMM arms require some training to learn how to operate well, in the right hands CMM arms yield accurate and reliable 3D scans. They also have one advantage that other type of scanners don’t have; they can be used with a touch probe which can be advantageous for capturing regular features such as planes and cylinders. Arms often come in different lengths, ranging from 6 ft to 12 ft indicating the diameter of its work area.
We do not sell these articulating arm scanners, but are listing ones here that are available on the market for purchase elsewhere:
Nikon MCAX
The MCAx Manual Coordinate measuring Arm, is a precise, reliable and easy-to-use portable 7-axis measuring system. It is the perfect partner for digital handheld laser scanners and scanning software. This arm’s accuracy, capability and portability makes it feel perfectly at home in the metrology lab, on the shop floor and in the field.
There are others not listed including additonal models of the Kreon 3D scanner. There are a number of different articulated arm scanners on the market today. Despite the increasingly expanding world of 3D scanning technologies, we expect the arm to continue to be a suitable choice for many applications.
Interested in CMM Arm Scanning Services?
Contact us today to discuss your project needs.