3D Printing Breaking Fashion Rules with 3D Ties

3d printing fashion for men

“Never judge a man by his tie” was the way the saying always went, but that was before they were 3D printing ties! The nerds at your local 3D laser scanning service and printing service are moving in to the tie business. As of late, 3D printing technology has been experimenting in the realm of fashion. Sounds like a good idea with lot of potential.  Many people wear a ties for work, whether they want to or not, so there is definitely a market for them.  The question is whether or not the quality and attractiveness of the ties can reach the level of acceptance of those sold in the department stores.  Well, it appears they are working on it.

Not so fast, though, if you think these ties are going to start shaking the fashion world.  I mean hey, how many guys working in 3D laser scanning know or even give a flip about fashion? The good thing is that there is no fashion degree needed when it comes to judging comfort.  The makers of these ties are more focused on the material than they are on making it look slick. Apparently they feel design is the easy part, so they are zoning in on the tough stuff first. The real hurdle is being able print out a material that will make any old joe happy to wear it to work.

boris rabinovich dreams in 3d printing

Boris Rabinovich, a software architect and senior consultant at Costa 3D, LTD. has been creating 3D printed ties for men! His most recent 3D printed tie uses FDM technology and leave one quite impressed. It can move and twist just like a regular tie. You can even roll it up! 

As far as durability goes, this thing gets an A. If it looks dirty, just chuck it in the wash. The knot area works like a clip-on, except that the bow has a cord that goes around the neck. The tie part is one single piece and attaches right on to the bow. Feel like a Windsor guy today? No problem.  Maybe tomorrow you can change it up with a Trinity knot, Or maybe you just want to get creative and crazy by printing out your own style. Maybe you want to print out a knot that is shaped like the Braves team logo. 

it's not super cheap... yet!

So would you like to buy one? If so, I would not expect to be finding one of those ties down at the local dollar store. Printing a 3D tie costs about a hundred bucks according to Rabinovich. But if you are one of those people people who like to be unique or impress others at dinner parties, you might want to get your hands on one! Here’s how: Use your own 3D printer to print out a striped tie or send it to your local 3D scanning and 3D printing company!

Keep Reading: More articles about 3D printing

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