3DR + Sony: Industrial 3D Scanning
3DR has teamed up with Sony to bring one of the best long-range 3D scanning platforms to the industrial market; 3DR’s Site Scan & Sony’s UMC-R10C. The Site Scan platform is already being utilized in many industrial job sites today. This software utilizes every feature of the UMC-R10C to give the absolute best results. The camera features a 20MP APS-C size sensor that means higher signal-to-noise ratio and higher range. Combined with the 20mm Sony SEL20F28 lens, images and models produced in Site Scan have unparalleled image quality with a resolution of 0.5cm/pixel.
Benefits of the Site Scan, UMC-R10C Scanning Combo
- High Definition Imagery, No 3rd Party Pilots & Expenses Required: Sony’s sensor is the largest on any reasonably retailed scanning drone. Prior to this long range scanning combo, you would’ve had to pay upwards of $20k and hire a professional drone pilot in order to get the quality desired.
- User Friendly From Take Off, Until Touchdown: Site Scan is built for industrial field professionals who need incredible 3D image capturing, no drone piloting experience required. Collecting data is as easy as selecting an area on a map and swiping the screen for take-off.
- Integration Platforming: Site Scan easily integrates through multiple existing platforms, like Autodesk.
The Sony UMC-R10C is available now as well as Site Scan in the app store. Scan functionality, used for 3D models, and Inspect mode, used for live inspections, will be available later this year. The total package is available for an introductory price of $12,200 including the drone, camera, & software.
Here at Arrival 3D, we have been using drones to capture large areas for 3D modeling and inspection. We stay up o date on the latest drone sensors and software to bring you the best in 3D imagery and long-range 3D scanning.