Altitude Trampoline Leaps Over Design Challenges With Arrival 3D Scanning
“Without a 3D scan, traditional methods would’ve taken too long and cost too much.”
— Matt Spencer (Altitude Trampoline owner)
Altitude Trampoline Park is the world’s fastest growing trampoline park company, with locations opening in cities over three separate continents. Altitude caters to all ages with parties, trampoline dodgeball and even fitness classes. The company needed a solution for one of the park’s main attractions (the foam pit). They were looking save costs while avoiding potential miscalculations in the architectural designs centered in and around the existing in-ground pool structure. Arrival 3D was presented the task to provide pinpoint measurements with 3D modeling for the architects designing the pit to this significantly uneven structure.
3D Scanning The Future Foam Pit
With a perimeter sweep of our Faro Focus 3D, completely captured the exact dimensions of the pool as well as the position of the side walls of the building. Using this data with concise 3D visuals, the architects can now design with much greater efficiency, a safe and fun attraction for Altitude’s newest location in Southern California. For more information regarding Altitude Trampoline Parks, click here. To find out how our 3D scanning services can help you on your next project, click here. When it comes to focusing on reducing your costs, lowering your risks, and helping you avoid costly mistakes and miscalculations, Arrival 3D has you covered from all sides.