DIY 3D scanning - A good idea?

3D scanning DIY kits can be bought on ebay for under $200. If accuracy, quality and turnaround time are not important to you, DIY scanning may be an option. A 3D laser scanner DIY kit can be a lot of fun to put together and a great learning experience, especially when built in combo with a DIY 3D printer. With the right attitude and a lot of patience, it is possible to do 3D scanning for free. But if your project is in anyway sensitive to mistakes or quality issues, we highly recommend that you pay a professional to do it. Sure, it may cost you $300-$500 but you know it will be done right. 

DIY 3D scanning videos

Here are some interesting videos that people have made explaining different free 3D scanning solutions.

DIf you have found a way to do 3D scanning on the cheap, then our hats are off to you. However if you are like most people and don’t have time to tinker all day, let us take care of your 3D scanning needs. Feel free to email us for a quote at [email protected]

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