Capturing Movement In Art with 3D Laser Scanning services
One of the first things you learn in art is capturing still life versus capturing movement. It may sound easy to capture these things, but it can be incredibly hard, especially if you will work with statues. Using 3D laser scanning services to help capture details and even movement is one of the latest art world trends. It has proven to be an incredible tool that can help make phenomenal masterpieces that you can check out in real life.
In New York, an art gallery has been put together at a private museum called Faurschou Foundation. One of the phenomenal galleries showcases statues made by a detail-oriented artist who used 3D laser scanning services to bring his statues to life. Christian Lemmerz created an exhibit called The Last Of Us.
Lemmerz works with marble that has been historically hard to manipulate, and movement hasn’t always been captured through this material. Using 3D laser scanning services, this artist has changed the way we look at marble statues because he accurately captures the thought and process behind the creation. You can see this exhibit for yourself until June 27th.
How 3D laser scanning services can be used in art
Many artists around the world have adopted 3D laser scanning services because it can capture accurate details. It captures features like texture, shape, size, facial expressions, and colors that are hard to identify. This technology opens up a whole world that helps inspire artists.
This technology is helping digital artists capture real-life events and preserve them in unexpected ways. It allows a user viewing the event to see things in every direction and even spin the models in a full 360 circle.
3D laser scanning services are helping preserve historical art but also understand the technique by which something was painted. It can help digitally preserve a historical piece that cannot be damaged or ruined, saving it for future generations. This technology can also help physically restore a piece allowing a researcher to understand what needs to be done and how it needs to be done.
How does 3D laser scanning work?
Honestly, there are many forms, and all of them are incredible. This technology was created in the 1960s, and there was only one form for a very long time until more researchers started updating it.
Most of the ones you will see will be smaller devices that are easily holdable. They take rapid pictures of an object or scene from every angle. Later the information that is collected gets sent to a computer where it can be developed and edited. Each picture that is captured is layered to make a complete 3D image.
Final thoughts
Using 3D laser scanning services for art is a relatively new trend. We have seen a few artists over the years use this technology for some fantastic things. Now it is becoming more of a trend that allows for faster creations that are stunning. An artist can capture, flow, movement, and expression with the help of this cutting-edge technology.