3D Laser Scanning Services Used To Replicate 190 Million-Year-Old Dinosaur

Many Benefits To Digitally Restoring and Preserving Dinosaurs

In the month of September, a juvenile dinosaur was discovered in Lufeng, Yunnan Province, China. There was a seven-day-long broadcast of the excavation of this extraordinary 190 million-year-old dinosaur. Scantech was honored with the job of using 3D laser scanning services to replicate and digitize this amazing find. This technology can easily scan the entire scene while picking up tiny details.

Typically, to get something as accurate as 3D laser scanning services do, it would take hours and weeks to study the fossils. Even with an enormous amount of time studying the fossils, it would not be half as accurate as a LIDAR device. These types of machines were created to become some of the most detailed-oriented products on the market, making them perfect for researchers.

There are many benefits of archeologists using 3D laser scanning services to digitally restore and preserve dinosaurs. One of the coolest things about Lufeng is that this is one area that is known as the “hometown of dinosaurs.”

Using scanning equipment can help take inventory about what type of dinosaurs and animals they have found in this area and then share the information with the world. However, there were some challenges that the researcher on Scantech faced when using this technology.

They encountered poor lighting conditions, a lot of damage with hard to study details, and brittle bones that were hard to handle.

Luckily, 3D laser scanning services can easily work around these challenges. If a team were to try to replicate this any other way it could have easily destroyed the fossils and ruined the excavation site. Here is how this technology helped speed up the process and digitally preserve the dinosaur.

Lighting Conditions

There are two ways 3D laser scanning services can help with the lighting. The area may be too dark to get the proper details but a 3D laser scanner can filter out the darkness and add on light. On the other hand, overexposure to sun can limit the amount of details picked up by the machine. 3D laser scanning services can filter out the overexposed information creating a clear and crisp picture.

Damage and Cracks

Since these fossils were so old there was a lot of information missing from the scans which leaves an incomplete picture. Through the editing system, accurate information can be installed to create a full picture. There is no guesswork with this and the 3D laser scanning service does most of the work for a user.

Brittle Bones

Another reason fossils can be so hard to work with is because they are delicate. You may not be able to touch them which can mean that a research team has no way to create physical molds. 3D laser scanning services do not touch the bones, they use lasers to collect all of the information.

All around the world people are adopting this technology and it is saving time, money, and manpower. What will 3D laser scanning services do next?

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