Roof Racks Created Faster Than Ever Before

Taking Products to the next level with 3d laser scanning

Creating roof racks for cars is not the most effortless process in the world. It is a long, tedious process that involves a lot of measurements and professionals using a lot of time and energy. Yet these are something consumers need, and something people look for in cars. To make any precise roof rack requires an immense amount of time. Now with 3D laser scanning, the time can be cut in half, the process can be simplified, and the products can be of higher quality than ever before.

Hamar Industries partnered with a tech company called NVision Inc., both Texas-based companies, to create a system that could create roof racks in half of the normal amount of time. The engineering company used a 3D laser scanning device to take precise car roof measurements, and then in a CAD or computer-aided design system, edit the details.

Custom fitted roof racks have never been easier to do. Roof racks that are custom made are meant to decrease noise and allow heavy objects to fit on the roof of a car with the least amount of pressure on the car. They should also be able to withstand high speed and handle quick stops and tight turns. The best thing about using this latest technology is that engineers can test all of that before building the piece in the CAD program. This makes it an incredibly useful product for building roof racks.

How the process works

3D laser scanning devices can now come in small packages but can scan tremendous things. The first step is to pick the proper 3D laser scanner and the car that needs to be scanned. An engineer scans the entire top of the car, gathering all of that car’s information for the CAD system.

The technology works by using thousands of little lasers that capture cloud points measuring how far the light travels to and from the object. It gathers information like size dimensions, width, height, and more. The coolest feature of 3D laser scanning is that the information it collects is super precise, giving the engineers a fuller understanding of making something work for the particular piece. Simply put, it allows them to observe the full picture in great detail.

Once the information is collected, it can go to the CAD, where it can be edited, manipulated, and tested for accuracy and precision. They can make adjustments to the design to understand how they work before doing it to the physical piece. This speeds up production time immensely. No other object has allowed us to do this before.

Final thoughts

3D laser scanning has changed our world and allowed us to create new and meaningful objects at a much faster pace than average. Custom made is more affordable than ever before, and can happen much faster. Many people are using this technology in more ways than we could even imagine. Consumers are starting to use this technology daily. Businesses are taking their products to the next level with 3D laser scanning.

Keep reading: more articles about 3D scanning

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