Preserving archaeological sites with 3D laser scanning services

Blending Archaeology and Technology

One of the main challenges of archaeology is to study and share information about artifacts and structures without actually having to disturb their surroundings. 3D laser scanning services provide a solution to this problem by allowing archaeologists and researchers to preserve the 3D data of structures. 3D scanning services are also useful for creating 3D printed models of artifacts, making printouts of 3D models, and 3D modeling to use for virtual reality experiences.

Archaeologists must study without disturbing or damaging artifacts

In the past, archaeologists would have to remove pieces of an artifact or structure in order to study them further. This had a serious consequence. In some cases, the structure of the artifact would be destroyed in the process. For example, if the artifact was a bone, the removal of a section would affect its shape. Countless artifacts were destroyed in the early days of archeology when some of the first archaeologists were just developing techniques that have been refined to today’s current standards.

3D scanning services are extremely useful for studying delicate and fragile old objects because they help modern archeologists reduce the risk of damage and maintain 3D data that can be studied without physical contact. But how exactly do these services work? And what other benefits do they have over traditional measurement techniques?

How 3D laser scanning services works

3D scanning services use a laser to send out a beam of light that reflects back from the surface of an object that is being scanned. This reflection is then used as data, which can be analyzed by modeling software. 3D scanning services generate a point cloud,  which is used to construct 3D models that can be used for printing or further computer analysis. 3D scanning services are also able to measure the size of an object, its surface area, and view it from various angles. 3D scanning services are usually provided using 3D scanners that work in conjunction with multiple cameras or lasers.

Unlike traditional archaeological techniques, 3D scanning services are not very time-consuming. 3D scanners, which are available to the public, provide a 3D laser scan that can be completed in just a few minutes. This lets 3D scanning services generate 3D models of objects faster than traditional techniques like 3D laser modeling. The growing popularity of  3D scanning services means their usage is likely to increase in the years to come.

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