Using 3D Laser Scanning Services To Scan Monuments

Replicating 125 Monuments Can Be Done In A Few Months

Creating digital replicas is not easy to do by hand, so people are using 3D laser scanning services to scan monuments and create digital copies. It is easier, faster, safer, and way more precise. This will help update the database and understand which monuments need renovations. This technology will help create a plan to carry out those renovations. On top of that, it is one of the best ways to digitally preserve the monuments for future generations. Replicating 125 monuments would take years to do any other way, but with 3D laser scanning services and equipment, it can be done in a few months. 

The Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) aims to scan over 844 monuments and historical sites. This will help protect monuments, save culture, and preserve history. All of the information was turned into 3D models with geotags that help place the monuments in a specific environment. 

As places open up more other monuments will be fully scanned to help preserve them. This will be a slow process, but it will go much faster with the help of 3D laser scanning equipment. There are many reasons why this technology has been used. It has wonderful benefits that other tools do not provide. 

Why 3D laser scanning is perfect for historical sites

Museums and archaeology groups have decided to adopt this equipment because it gathers greater insight into pieces. This is not a way to replace older methods of analyzing and observing a stature to learn from it but an add-on that provides greater in-depth knowledge. It can be one of the best ways to understand how something was built. 


The best news about 3D laser scanning is that it is totally noninvasive. There is no physical touch involved which is perfect for historical sites that cannot be damaged. This is also good for artifacts that may be brittle from age. 

3D models

The second best thing about this technology is that it can create precise and accurate digital models. Then those can be turned into smaller physical models. 3D laser scanning can easily connect a 3D printer from the CAD software.


This technology is much faster than other ways of trying to digitize information. It may take someone who can take thousands of pictures and then try to create it by hand from those pictures. However, this technology takes thousands of pictures and uploads them all to the CAD program. 


3D laser scanning is incredibly precise and can pick up thousands of cloud points that pick up small bits of information. It is one of the best tools if accuracy is needed. It is more precise and accurate than any human. 


The last notable thing about this technology is that it allows for monuments and other historical sites to be shared easier. The 3D model can be uploaded to any computer worldwide and easily shared among the public. 

Final thoughts 

3D laser scanning is a great tool to use on historical sites, large monuments, or artifacts that need to be preserved. This can help ensure their physical safety but also share it among the world through digital copies. 

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