3D Laser Scanning – The Storehouse of Benefits

The advancement of technology is helping professionals around the globe to improve the overall outcome of their projects. Today, 3D laser scanning is not merely a tool for measuring and scanning the distance between two objects; it has changed the entire landscape of land surveying, forensic science, construction, engineering, industrial plant design and many other crucial business sectors. 3D laser scanners capture a wealth of dimensional information about a part or area in minutes.  From delivering color panoramic images of a factory to capturing the shape of a deformed bridge, the sky is literally the limit of these scanners. Today, high-speed scanners are used to capture 3D images and data in real-time to provide accurate models to different industries.

The technology is renowned for reducing lead time and lowering engineering and construction costs of projects. Here are a few benefits of using 3D laser scans.

3D Laser Scanning: Highly effective inspections

Irrespective of whether a customer is purchasing a car, mobile or a hand-drill machine, customers expect that the crucial parts fit together and function as expected without compromising on the quality and design. But can manufacturers guarantee precision without delaying the development and the launch of the product? The answer to this problem lies in digitization of the product using 3D laser scanning and creating a prototype. Manufacturers can then compare the prototype with the original CAD design to ensure quality. It’s much faster to inspect a product using 3D models than taking discrete measurements of every part. When the initial inspection leaves no stone unturned, the finished product exceeds the customer expectation, which in turn helps in building a loyal customer base.

3D Laser Scanning: Highly accurate and error-free models

Accuracy and precision are the building blocks of any project whether it’s related to engineering, construction or any other field. Accuracy is critical for land surveyors for obvious reasons. In the past, many site visits were often required to capture sites thoroughly and accurately. With recent advancements in laser scanning technology, one site visit is enough to ensure everything falls into place. This is possible because laser scanners capture millions of data points in a single scan to form an accurate point cloud. The real-time data is used to obtain various outputs, ultimately leading to more successful projects. With the help of laser scanning data, manufacturers and engineers can conduct advanced analysis and spot errors early in the process cycle.

3D laser scanning Reduces rework and minimizes risks

3D laser scanning is a boon for the manufacturing and engineering world because it cuts down the rework by scanning the accurate 3D model of the product or site in the picture. Before the product goes into production,  any issue with design or existing structure is resolved thereby saving rework. Furthermore, laser scanning captures millions of data points closing the gap for mistakes in drawing. With scanning, you can understand the exact location and measurement of the conditions. When the number of errors is reduced, the final output surpasses the customer expectation.

3D laser scanning is around for quite a few years and has widespread acceptance across an array of industries. It is the future of scanning and will become a lethal tool for manufacturers in the coming years.

For your 3d laser scanning and 3d printing, call Arrival 3D at 866-687-7784.

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