3D Scanning the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Capturing Places with 3D scanning services
Traveling is adventurous. It is especially fun when you have no plan and you can just explore. One of the coolest places I ever went was Europe. Greece and Rome were amazing. I was amazed at my first real life glimpse at the parthenon in the Acropolis from my hotel room. We got all checked into our room and when I open the window it was right there in plain view. The next day I got to hike up and walk around it. After that we got to see Rome, Italy. That was a great city to see. The problem was that we tried to see the whole city in two days. Not a good idea. We saw some cool sights, though. The Colosseum was amazing. The thought all the history that goes into that place sends chills down my spine as I stood there. When we were there, the best we could do was take some pictures and try to revisit the experience through them when we got back home. There are some people who are capturing things on their travels a little bit differently. They use 3D scanning services to capture those famous sites.
Scan that Pisa
One group went to Italy with a 3D scanner and captured one of the most famous buildings in the world. This was probably the only job using 3D scanning services that turned out slanted on purpose. I think you all know what I am talking about, right? We are talking about 3D scanning services doing what it does best on the Leaning Towel of Pisa. Quick! Scan it before it falls over. This was a job done by a group of scientists from the Australian organization, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. Maybe they thought they should save it into cyberspace before it tips over to the ground. Actually, I don’t think that is their worry. They do, though, feel like there is a need to preserve all of those famous historic sights that we enjoy seeing.
3D scanning services With a Zebedee
This group did their 3D scanning services with a scanner call a Zebedee. This scanner is a humdinger that you hold in your hand and can scan places in a snap. They apparently had the inside of the tower scanning in just a few minutes. That is pretty fast if you ask me. The end result was a complete inside and out scan of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. So if that building finally does decide to take a bow, then we will have captured a perfect replica that can be seen in virtual reality.
Actually, there might come a day when traveling to see something in person and viewing it in the virtual world could feel almost the same. That would definitely save a lot of money on travel expenses. I am not saying that I personally would rather look at it through an Oculus. There are some people, though, who would definitely rather spend that airfare money on a nice new Bose Stereo. Keep up the good work, 3D scanning services