Augmented Reality Empowering
Doctors Like Never Before

When a patient is in need of surgery, it’s best for doctors to get a good idea of the what’s going inside the patient’s body first. New technologies such as augmented reality are helping to train and equip doctors for complex medical procedures. he technology helps surgeons practice techniques, therefore improving precision and possibly reducing medical errors. Using immersive technology, doctors can gain a deep understanding of each complex medical scenario, planning for potential problems and various outcomes before putting the patient under the knife. 

Here are a few ways how AR is empowering the medical field:

augmented reality Allows doctors to see under the skin

Today, an augmented reality program can enable nurses and doctors to look through the skin. In Australia, Red Cross nurses are using a handheld device that maps the patients veins. This “near infrared” technology helps locate veins before inserting the needle. Doctors are also using augmented reality to prepare for surgery. Traditionally, doctors rely on X-ray machines to see the skeletal structure and CT scans for information of the internal organs. But, with AR, doctors can possibly look underneath the skin in real-time. These devices can accurately pinpoint internal damages, thereby doctors witness a boost in efficiency and accuracy of the medical processes. From surgical planning to physiotherapy, AR is giving a boost to the medical industry. In the coming years, the technology is likely to support automatic calibration and sensors which will automatically portray the depth of the organs.

Realistic ultrasound through Augmented reality

Using the AR headset, doctors can display real-time ultrasound data on the body of the patient rather than on the computer screen, providing a single view rather than requiring the doctors to divide their attention between the computer screen and the patient. The more attention the doctor can provide his or her patient, the better the bond between the patient and doctor. This technology not only improves accuracy and encourages more human interaction. AR is moving its root beyond the gaming and entertainment sector and changing the realm of the medical profession.

Improves lifestyle and wellness

According to a research, the global wearable tech industry is likely to reach $34 billion by 2020. Doctors across the globe are using augmented reality in operation theatres to broadcast complex surgeries worldwide. Furthermore, doctors can access computer scans in an entirely hands-free mode. The medical applications are improving the wellness and risk associated with invasive and complicated surgeries.

The global augmented reality in healthcare is likely to reach $5.1 billion by 2025. Even with such figures, a lot of doctors are resistant to adopting the technology because of the high cost of innovative software development and lack of unified AR displays.

How could your team train better using augmented reality?

learn more about augmented reality

Click here to read more articles about augmented reality from Arrival 3D.  

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