Face Shields and Headbands Printed in Response to COVID-19
Custom made for a perfect fit
COVID-19 has crossed the globe and affected many people in different ways. Entire companies have focused on helping healthcare workers and changed production so they can help create supplies for hospitals.
COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, has no vaccines, and no one is immune to this virus. It seems to be hitting countries at a rapid pace and has no particular type, it hits every one of all ages. On the front lines of this pandemic are our healthcare workers. They expose themselves every day to this terrible virus, and our supplies to help them protect themselves is severely low.
This is where technology companies come in handy. Companies with 3D laser scanning equipment have changed around their process to create supplies for hospital use. They can scan and print supplies that are customized, comfortable, and sustainable.
What company is helping fight this pandemic
Along with many other companies who have access to 3D laser scanning equipment and things like 3D printers, markerspace has turned their lab into a way to help fight this pandemic. Gisele Roberts turned the lab at Laurentian University into a lab that can produce healthcare supplies.
They can use the lab to create headbands that can have plastic shields attached. This is not only a comfortable design that can produce a few hundred a week, but it is also suitable for nurses and doctors to wear. This design could help save lives and help prevent the spread of the virus.
Why this technology is beneficial
3D laser scanning creates a way for supplies to be touched less by humans. It takes out some interaction, which leads to fewer germs being spread. On top of that, it is quicker than making these shields by hand and also allows them to be more precise in dimension, making a better fit.
A lot of the shields already in the hospitals are highly uncomfortable, and it causes the nurses and doctors to take them off. These are designed to be more comfortable for more extended wear. This could help nurses and doctors stay safe and actually use the protective wear they are given.
What is 3D laser scanning
This technology takes thousands of pictures per second, capturing detailed information on an object. The data collected from 3D laser scanning is stored in the cloud, and it is saved forever, creating the best reference for future designs of an object.
Once this technology captures all of the information from every side, it can be transferred to a partnering system where it can then be edited, re-created, sent to other companies, or developed into virtual reality. After the object is edited, it can be printed from 3D laser scanning devices. It can create as many replicas as you need.
This makes it one of the most useful and fast ways to produce health care workers with masks and other protective gear needed to work the front lines. Companies all over the world have realized their 3D laser scanning devices and printers can be used to help prevent the spread of this disease.
Final thoughts
COVID-19 is vicious and attacks anyone it can get to. However, with help from companies around the globe, with help from our doctors, nurses, and community, we can stop the spread. When we slow the spread, researchers will be able to find a vaccine.