Flexible Packaging Created with The Help of 3D Laser Scanning
Cutting production time way down
Many companies are trying to stay relevant more than ever before and keeping up with supply and demand. The more we use as consumers, the more companies must keep up. Many companies are now doing this by adopting 3D laser scanning devices in their practices. One UK based company has decided to take advantage of this technology. They are called Parkside Flexibles, and they work on packaging for other companies.
“This allows an anilox to be delivered to the prepress area quickly, be cleaned and checked using the AniCam, and returned for use on press within eight minutes.” Says ark Benson, print and lamination specialist. Using 3D laser scanning can cut the production time of packaging down.
This technology has advanced beyond what anyone thought it could achieve, and many new tools are coming on the market. Due to this, many companies have options to choose from, and most are relatively budget-friendly. This company is ahead of the game by staying up to date with the latest technology trends, 3D laser scanning is just one of those trends.
This company decided to use Troika’s Anicam because they admire the work they put into the product. “We know that the AniCam saves companies considerable press setup time and reduces ink waste by up to 50 percent, which inevitability increases profitability. So, we’re delighted to hear that after its successful use at the Parkside, Normanton, UK site, their Selangor, Malaysia facility is also installing the solution to support its Asian print business.” says Jon Jordan Troikas, sales member.
Benefits of using this technology
3D laser scanning is one of the most beneficial technologies you can find on the market. It helps reduce labor in half and takes out the human touch in something while still giving it a customized feel. The entire scanning process is entirely noninvasive and does not harm people or the objects being scanned.
This technology is in no way dangerous and can help a company become more efficient, precisely why Parkside Flexible chose this equipment. Everything about how a 3D laser scanning device works and acts can be controlled by a human without them having to do any physical labor, making it great for large companies.
Who else can use this technology
3D laser scanning is advancing so far beyond what anyone would have ever thought. It is truly unique how many consumers worldwide can use this equipment. It wasn’t always this rapidly adopted, and it wasn’t still this amazing, but now anyone can use this technology.
The best thing about 3D laser scanning is that it is so budget-friendly, and there are many versions of it on the web. If you buy from a reputable source, you can get your hands on one. This is a great product for anyone with interest in learning their environments differently. It allows you to view things very detailed.
3D laser scanning is good for students working on finals. Or doctors who are studying others and diagnosing them. Some cops use this to report traffic accidents. Now forensic investigators are using this to help document crime scenes. It has expanded much farther than manufacturing. It is truly changing the way we view life and the way we produce things.