Historical Storytelling with 3D Laser Scanning Services

Many things have been done with 3D laser scanning, and now it is coming to tell stories too. The Chicago Art Institute has adopted 3D laser scanning services to help share stories of history. Many museums, artists, and historians have adopted this technology because of all the advantages it brings to the museums. This technology allows the guests at the museum to learn about history in a different way than ever before. 

Using this technology to share stories about art and history can help attract new guests to the museums. 3D laser scanning services have been one of the biggest benefits of all times, and because of that, we are seeing more people adopt and use them. This has helped create new interesting projects that may never have emerged. 

With this technology, they are able to scan an object. The CAD program can help them zoom in and out, highlighting an object’s specific features while explaining them. It is the ultimate learning tool that allows guests to observe the object much closer than ever before. It is a new way to interact with the museum’s historical objects. 

How 3D laser scanning works 

This is one of the most advanced tools globally, but it is relatively easy to use. Most of the devices come in small handheld devices that almost anyone can pick up and use. All you have to do is turn it on and point it at the object. Most of these devices are so advanced now they will even tell you which direction to move so you don’t miss any angles. 

They capture every detail by collecting the cloud points as well as taking rapid images. Later on, these details become merged and overlap with each other to create a full 3D image. It allows the objects to be edited by a researcher to get a complete look. 

3d laser scanning services are good for museums

Though many researchers and historians were really wary about adopting 3D laser scanning services, many of them have realized what a useful tool it is. This tool can help collect information down to the microscopic detail, making it a great learning tool. Many people are using this tool to make new discoveries on ancient objects and gain greater insight from them. 

This is one of the best tools to gather small details and not harm the object in any way. The coolest thing about 3D laser scanning is that it doesn’t need to touch the object to get these tiny details. It uses lasers and cameras to collect the information, which helps preserve the object while still allowing the researchers to create an interactive environment for guests. 

Final thoughts

3D laser scanning services provide an amazing technology that is opening new doors for many museums. They can create replicas of work that guests can touch, interactive videos that allow the guests to zoom in and study the pieces, and more. We will continue to see a high adoption rate of this technology throughout many museums. 

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