Preserving History with the Help of 3D Laser Scanning
Making historical sites more accessible than ever before
For years historians have been finding the best ways to preserve history. Now researchers and historians have been using technology to help protect historical features. This allows others to study the artifacts on a deeper level and understand how the pieces were initially created. 3D laser scanning allows us to dig further into history as we have never done before.
Researchers are now using 3D laser scanning to reverse engineer the historical doors from the Cathedral of Florence’s Baptistery in 1336. The entries were created by a goldsmith, sculptor, and architect Andrea Pisano. Many famous Italian painters and artists have been baptized in this church, and it is a massive part of Italian history and culture. Being able to preserve the doors and learn how they were made could let us see further into the past.
These doors, the finishing touches, were astounding, and a sense of pride rippled through the city as they were going up. The doors were detailed and beautiful, just like the cathedral itself. However, these doors are now old and have gone through severe deterioration and significant damage. Using a 3D laser scanning device, researchers will be not only able to understand how the doors were made but also replicate exact copies of the door. They will again preserve the image, learn about the work, and restore the pride throughout Florence.
3D laser scanning has impressive benefits for historical use
3D laser scanning can be one of the best ways to preserve history for many purposes. If used properly, it can be one of the quickest ways to get accurate information. To do this restoration, a specialized group of individuals came together and utilized 3D las scanning.
- Accuracy- 3D laser scanning is some of the most accurate equipment you can use to restore anything. It captures data points all over an object, thoroughly scanning the details on an object and collecting as much information as possible.
- Fast- Using this technology is much quicker than making molds of an artifact. In many ways, it is also more precise. 3D laser scanning can use lasers and roam over an object in under a few minutes collecting everything someone would need to know to restore the piece.
- Comparing- The most unique thing about this tool is that while it scans, it can compare old images to the object at hand. It can then fill in the missing information from the other pictures as a reference. That is why researchers have been using this technology to restore historical pieces.
- Noninvasive- 3D laser scanning in no way harms an object. It does not need to cover the entire piece physically like a mold would, and it requires less handling from the team. It uses lasers and lights to project over a part and allows an organization to go in-depth without harming the object.
There are many reasons that someone may choose to use 3D laser scanning, and as more teams see the benefits, more people will decide to go this route. This technology can scan, send, and print copies faster than anything else we have. It allows a team to see the same information from anywhere in the world at any time.
Final thoughts
3D laser scanning is so versatile it has entered many professional settings, being used in several fields. It is for researchers, but it is also for much more than that. Entire companies have adopted the use of this technology and focused their whole production on them. In the future, we will see this technology grow uniquely.