57 – Digital Twin: The 3D Laser Scanning Services Technology with Infinite Applications

November 23, 2022
Digital Twin: The 3D Laser Scanning Services Technology with Infinite Applications

It’s a $48B Global Market

What is a digital twin? A digital twin refers to a virtual replica of a physical object or any space in the physical world. The 3D laser scanning services technology has been widely embraced in most industries, from healthcare to manufacturing to sports. As a result, the global market adoption is predicted to hit $48.2 billion come 2026.

How Digital Twins Work

Digital twins use several enabling technologies, and companies can choose specific technologies to suit their needs. For instance, they can settle for a combination of sensors, AI, AR, VA, 3D laser scanning, and more to have a first-hand experience of the physical object or space.

By using 3D laser scans, digital twins can effectively collect real-time data from the physical environment. Data is collected from the physical space by interacting with devices, humans, 3D laser scanning services, and other digital twins.

As a result, digital twins can foster critical decision-making while identifying potential issues, thereby optimizing and improving systems.

The History of Digital Twins

While digital twins and 3D laser scanning might seem new, the twins were introduced by Michael Grieves in 2002. But NASA was already using the digital twins concept in the 60s.

In his presentation, Grieves explained more about the virtual and real space and how the two communicate and exchange information.

However, digital twin technology was not fully embraced until 2010. NASA utilized the digital twin concept to create spacecraft and space capsule simulations for effective testing. Seven years later, Gartner cited 3D laser scanning and digital twins as the leading technology trends.

Since then, digital twins have been widely embraced. The internet of things (IoT) also popularized the digital twin by making it attainable and cost-effective.

Notable Applications in 3D Laser Scanning Services

3D laser scanning and digital twins are applicable in various industries for unique purposes.

In healthcare, for example, models of medical devices can be developed and simulated to determine the potential impact on humans without any surgeries, medical tools, or side effects.

Digital twins are also helpful in creating safe working environments. Physical models can be created, and evaluations are done to prevent potential hazards that might harm people. For instance, drone-based construction inspections create digital twins using photogrammetry.

Besides saving time, these inspections lower risks that would have been faced if real people inspected the construction sites. The 3D scanning services produce detailed analysis and quick on-site inspection, leading to increased efficiency.


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