3D Laser Scanning Services Create Accurate Models of Nuclear Powerplant Parts

Technology Proves Essential to Russia's Atomic Energy Corporation

3D laser scanning services are being used to create 3D models of parts for powerplants in Russia. Unlike 3D printing, which produces objects out of thin air, 3D scanning produces accurate representations of the real world. In addition, the accuracy and speed with which 3d scanners measure complicated and precise parts mean powerplants can be built quickly, safely, and efficiently.

What is Rosatom?

Rosatom is Russia’s state-run atomic energy corporation. They’re responsible for  Russia’s fleet of nuclear power plants. 3D scanning services are essential to Rosatom because they need accurate measurements of parts for their powerplants. Safety is always the number one priority when it comes to nuclear power. 3D scanning helps ensure that powerplants are built to the highest safety standards by helping engineers guarantee that parts fit the specifications needed to operate the plant correctly. A single misshapen or damaged component could cause a disaster, so 3D scanning is an absolute necessity in the nuclear power industry.

How do 3D laser scanning services work?

3D scanning services use lasers to scan an object and generate a 3D model. The lasers are fired at the object from all directions, and when they bounce back, 3D scanners use the information to generate a 3d model. 3D scanning is very efficient and can measure an object in a fraction of the time it would take to measure it manually. A laser scan is also very accurate, meaning that engineers can rely on the measurements generated by 3D scanners and be certain that the components they’ve built to those specifications will fit together perfectly.

The benefits of 3D scanning over traditional measurement methods

3D scanning services offer several benefits that traditional measurement techniques do not. For example,  3D scanning services are very quick because 3D scanning takes only a fraction of the time it takes to measure an object manually. 3D scanning is also very accurate, meaning that engineers can rely on the measurements and don’t need to second-guess their data. Lastly, 3D scanning services save money because they eliminate the need for manual measurements, which can be very time-consuming and expensive.


3D scanning services are becoming an increasingly important part of powerplant 3D design. 3D scanning offers several benefits that traditional measurement techniques do not, including speed and accuracy. 3D scanners are essential for ensuring that powerplants are built safely and efficiently. Safety is always the number one priority when it comes to nuclear power. 3D scanning helps engineers guarantee that their parts will fit together perfectly and function as intended.

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