How Will Augmented Reality Shape the Food Industry in the Coming Year?

Currently, the food industry is at a very nascent stage when it comes to unlocking the benefits of augmented reality. But, the food industry can taste success only with persistence and creative ways to integrate AR into their branding strategy. AR has already begun to leave a lasting impact in the food industry, even though the development costs are on a higher side. From creating episodic promo games for kids to creating mesmerizing videos, AR offers a bouquet of potential to the delicious food industry. Furthermore, earlier giving discounts and coupon codes was considered a great way to connect with the audience. But, with the advent of technology customers want more interactive things to win their trust. And, this is where AR comes into the picture and help in engaging the consumers, which would gradually result in brand loyalty with a food brand.

Here are a few ways how AR will shape the future of the food industry.

augmented reality: Creating seamless customer experience

The new buzz word of the food and beverage industry is ‘experiential marketing,’ which is drastically changing the way Millennials perceive customer experience. Today, for customers out-of-the-box experiences are a means of garnering social media love, and they crave for such participation. Therefore, the need of the hour is investing in technologies like augmented reality over simple billboards because AR will deliver unmatched experiences. Also, it will allow customers to know the recipe for a food product by scanning the name on the menu card. With AR, know the ingredients before ordering or buying an eatable. The customer experience. When it comes to customer experience, the technology is breaking the stereotypes and coming out with flying colors.

augmented reality makes product promotion easier

AR comes handy when launching a new product because using the technology marketers can create AR campaigns or games like Pokémon Go. While placing the orders, customers can easily play the game and pass their time without getting bored. The AR campaign for the new product will create ripples and advocate brand recall. Also, today visuals are a big chunk of the eating experience and with customers sharing their experiences of social media, making the food more attractive is more important and crucial than ever before. Therefore, use AR wisely to reap benefits and effectively promote the product to the target audience.

Enhanced training of the employees

Brands like Coca-Cola are using AR to teach their sales staff how their products would fit in the available retail place. It’s helping the employees understand the work environment in a better way. Augmented reality is assisting the employees visually estimate the serving size. AR takes learning and development to a new level which is empowering the food industry to employ a wider breadth of workers with different educational backgrounds and learning style.

Augmented reality is a vehicle that will be in the future immerse the consumer in a brand and will help companies turn customers into their brand advocates.

For your augmented reality needs, call Arrival 3D at 866-687-7784.

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