Can Laser Scanning capture a mechanical room?

Question: Can I use 3D laser scanning to create as-built drawings of a mechanical room?  Answer: Yes! 3D laser scanning services are especially good at capturing the piping, conduit, pumps, compressors, chillers,  and other industrial equipment. When a mechanical room…

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Find Hidden Spaces in Your Building Using 3D Laser Scanning

Discover hidden spaces between the walls using 3D laser scanning Ever supsect you have a hidden room in your building? A secret passageway or a safe room that somehow was forgotten about over the years? Or it could be some…

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The Benefits of Using Digital Twins for Inventory Management

The Benefits of Using Digital Twins for Inventory Management In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, digital inventory management has becomea crucial aspect of many businesses. By having accurate and up-to-date information about their inventory, companies can make informed decisions that…

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