Tool Testing Time Becomes Reduced With 3D Laser Scanning

Tool Testing Time Becomes Reduced With 3D Laser Scanning Saving time, money, and increasing productivity Technopark Aviation Technologies, based in Russia, has worked with the country’s largest gas turbine engine largest provider. These are necessary engines that provide power to…

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Preserving Culture Through 3D Laser Scanning

Preserving Culture Through 3D Laser Scanning Making it easier to collect, preserve, and share As a society, we focus on preserving our history and documenting other cultures to share them and learn. Without studying our history, we are doomed to…

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Merging Software For Better Results

Merging Software For Better Results A compatible editing system is vital 3D laser scanning is some of the best technology globally, but what many people do not know is there is also a lot of software involved. Each 3D laser…

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Will Mobile Phones be Able to Scan and Print?

Will Mobile Phones be Able to Scan and Print? How far will the basic cell phone take us? Consumer technology has been advancing rapidly. Believe it or not, the first public cell phone was made not that long ago. In…

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Brain Imaging Becoming Affordable

Brain Imaging Becoming Affordable Less time-consuming and more precise than previous ways As 3D laser scanning grows and expands as a field, more people are adopting it. However, it is not always affordable for the average consumer to afford. However,…

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Colormaps Created With 3D Laser Scanning

Colormaps Created With 3D Laser Scanning Go from tight, narrow spaces to vast, open spaces A new and dynamic colormap is being introduced to 3D laser scanning devices. It could change the way inspections are done. Additive manufacturing is one…

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Anatomy Students Can Use 3D Laser Scanning

Anatomy Students Can Use 3D Laser Scanning Allowing students to see more in-depth pictures than any other form of studying online Online learning is something that many students across the world had to switch to when COVID is running a…

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Real Estate Photos Taking A New Turn

Real Estate Photos Taking A New Turn Creating virtual tours of homes Covid-19 has spread throughout our world, and many people are staying at home because of it. Right now, there is more need than ever to create virtual tours…

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Rail Structures Partner With LIDAR

Rail Structures Partner With LIDAR Saving time and money on construction Lidar is one of the most advanced 3D laser scannings. It is now being adopted to help renovate old railways in the United Kingdom. The latest reconstruction taking place…

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Augmented Reality Technology

Augmented Reality Technology Apple is again staying ahead of the curve Apple has been one of the most competitive companies that others have stayed in competition with. They have set trends in the technology world and have given consumers access…

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