Will Mobile Phones be Able to Scan and Print?

Will Mobile Phones be Able to Scan and Print? How far will the basic cell phone take us? Consumer technology has been advancing rapidly. Believe it or not, the first public cell phone was made not that long ago. In…

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Famous Artists Use 3D Laser Scanning

Famous Artists Use 3D Laser Scanning Taking music videos to new heights Now more than ever before, it is considered necessary for us to remain socially distant. However, there are still jobs to do, and one of those jobs includes…

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Will iPhones Be Able to Scan Our Surroundings?

Will iPhones Be Able to Scan Our Surroundings? Getting advanced tech in a budget-friendly way A new version of the iPad came out recently, and with all of the updated technology, Apple has created some neat toys for our tech…

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