Custom Made Bones with 3D Printing

Advancements in technology help doctors and patients

Introduction to 3D laser scanners

3D laser scanners have opened our lives and helped raise the quality of life in many ways. It has entered our health care system for the better. It is helping create new ways to take care of patients in each and every doctor’s office. This technology is helping create a world where health care is noninvasive and less time-consuming.

A Danish startup called Particle 3D has created bone implants from 3D printing that allows the bones to heal. This can change the way we fix broken bones in hospitals and doctors’ offices. Not only that, but it may also shape the way we do any alterations inside a patient’s body.

3D laser scanners are continuously growing in uses, and researchers are finding better ways to use them in various fields. This technology is so versatile it is increasing in wealth, and by 2025 will grow by the millions in worth. Companies are focused around this technology, always coming out with the newest version with the best features, making it a competitive market.

How it’s done

So how is Particle 3D doing it? They use 3D laser scanners to scan a patient’s bone structure, and then use bio-ink in the 3D laser printer, they can print bone implants. These implants are biodegradable, and custom made to the patient. This is a noninvasive process, which in the past has involved bricks, shaped to help the broken bones. This has always hindered the natural growth of bones; this new and improved way helps the natural bone structure.

3D printing has entered the health care system more slowly and is now slowly becoming one of the main ways doctors help patients. It is used to take full-body scans of patients. It can help print replicas of organs, bones, and other body parts to study before major surgery.

What is 3D laser scanning

This technology is the act of taking thousands of pictures per second, capturing every angle and detail of an object. The information collected can be saved in the cloud and then transferred to anyone in the world in a matter of minutes.

3D laser scanners can capture every little detail that human eyes could not see. It can capture texture, color, size, shape every width, and side an object has. It has become one of the most detail-oriented technologies there is on the market and will continue to grow in uses.

Who else can use it

It is not just for doctors to use on patients; it is for many more people too. It is for students using it as a study aid. This technology can be attached to a phone to 3D laser scan people walking by to test for fever or possible virus.

3D laser scanners can help rebuild homes in third world counties and make our own roads safer to travel on. There are so many uses for this technology. Because of that, we will continue to use it and develop 3D laser scanners to better our world.


There is no doubt that this technology will improve the patient’s health care system. It is proving to be one of the most noninvasive, less time-consuming methods of examining a patient there is. The technology can help patients in less time, helping their natural body pieces.

Keep reading: more articles about 3D scanning

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