Using The Latest Technology To Create Historic Canoes

Using The Latest Technology To Create Historic Canoes Typically creating a canoe is a long and tedious process. Someone has to find a long enough log and chip away the inside, shaving it into the shape we know as a…

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The Partnering of 3D Printing and 3D Laser Scanning

The Partnering of 3D Printing and 3D Laser Scanning 3D printing has become one of the most amazing trends, along with 3D laser scanning. One industry is zoning in on these technological tools. Dentists have always adopted the latest technology…

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Startup Companies Using 3D Laser Scanning

Startup Companies Using 3D Laser Scanning Trying to create the next best thing In the 1960s was a device was created called 3D laser scanning. The technology was too new, and there were a lot of kinks to be worked…

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3D Laser Scanners Safely Create Ways to Capture Data on Feet

3D Laser Scanners Safely Create Ways to Capture Data on Feet Gathering data for custom orthotics is even easier now Technology has created a unique world in which consumers are learning to operate, and some are highly suspicious of these…

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