The Inside Of A Famous Statue

The Inside Of A Famous Statue In Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, one of the most famous statues of all time has just let us inside for the first time. This is an iconic figure known throughout the world as Christ…

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Haunted Mansion Being Scanned in 3D

Haunted Mansion Being Scanned in 3D Confusing ghosts as every turn The Winchester mystery house is one of the most famous places in San Jose and is one of the craziest tours you will ever have the chance to go…

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3D Laser Scanning Adds in Comparison Tool

3D Laser Scanning Adds in Comparison Tool Finding the right piece of equipment for the job 3D laser scanning is a massive growing industry, and now researchers are creating ways to compare each scanning device. This will help companies worldwide…

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Largest Dinosaur Being Preserved Through Technology

Largest Dinosaur Being Preserved Through Technology Capturing details with more precision and accuracy For a few years, we have been working on preserving historical objects for future generations. Many researchers believe one of the best ways to do this is…

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Large Dinosaur Hits Our Digital World

Large Dinosaur Hits Our Digital World Capturing the smallest details with precision and accuracy GEOSlam is a digital 3D mapping company that went to Alberta Canada to map out the world’s most giant dinosaur. One team member was able to…

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