Virtual Tours Due to COVID-19

Self-isolation won't keep this community from appreciating history

15 years ago, Lori Collins started 3D laser scanning to preserve historic sites. Collins and her team were preparing for the day these sites could no longer be accessed by the public, and now the time has come. 3D laser scanning has provided her a way to create virtual reality to help with a community that is partaking in self-isolation. This act of self-isolation is to help prevent the spread of a virus that has consumed our globe.

Virtual reality allows us to walk among the parks and learn about our history in great detail but also a noninvasive way to view them from a different angle.

The team from the University of South Florida originally started using 3D laser scanning to prepare and save these parks and monuments from climate change or other natural disasters. A virus spreading throughout the world never came to mind. However, due to the circumstances, everyone now has access to view the virtual world in extreme detail.

What is 3D scanning

This technology is the act of taking thousands of pictures per minute, capturing details and information on a scene. 3D laser scanning is more accurate than any human could ever be. It captures details so precise it is one of the most useful tools for preserving information on historic buildings.

3D laser scanning can capture microscopic details like scratches on a wall, color of a structure, texture of stones, and size of an object. Once this information is obtained, it is saved to the cloud, where it can then be transferred to a partnering system and developed into virtual reality.

This allows people from all over the world to log onto the Digital Heritage and Humanities Collections website and take a stroll through detailed parks. Guests can still take tours around the outside of famous monuments thanks to 3D laser scanning.

Why is it useful now

In a time where most of the U.S. is trying to social distance from each other this can be a great way to not only learn about famous historical sites but also provide kids with something to do. This allows a whole family to go on a virtual walk in the safety of their homes.

3D laser scanning offers a way to preserve historic parks noninvasively, and the information can be shared all over the world in a matter of minutes. It creates a reference for future generations to use, and it cannot be erased from the cloud.

Final thoughts

3D laser scanning has entered our world at the perfect time, and now more than ever, more consumers and researchers are benefiting from this technology. It will help us get out the only way we can and continue to learn and take tours. This technology has proven to be one of the most beneficial tools on the market. As it develops, we will continue to find more uses for it.

Keep reading: more articles about 3D scanning

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