COVID-19 Hits Nebraska but With No Shortage of Supplies

COVID-19 Hits Nebraska but With No Shortage of Supplies Long-Term, established relationships are credited for the success COVID-19 has shut down many states and, for many, has meant a shortage of supplies. A few states needed help with face masks,…

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3D Laser Scanning Helps Doctors and Patients

3D Laser Scanning Helps Doctors and Patients Lack of equipment puts doctors in a war zone Right now, the entire globe is going through something terrible. We are fighting off an invisible invader, we are calling it COVID-19. Millions across…

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Essential Medical Supplies Produced by 3D Laser Scanning

Essential Medical Supplies Produced by 3D Laser Scanning Technology aids in preventing a shortage COVID-19 has swept the streets of America and has states in lockdown mode for the foreseeable future. If this isn’t scary enough, imagine a world where…

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