3D Laser Scanning Services and the Black Hawk Helicopter

3D Laser Scanning Services and the Black Hawk Helicopter Increases Accuracy The Black Hawk is a military helicopter that is well known as the Army’s frontline utility vehicle. To create 3D printed pieces of it, you have to create accurate…

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3D Laser Scanning Services: Portable 3D Printer Being Developed For U.S. Military

3D Laser Scanning Services: Portable 3D Printer Being Developed For U.S. Military Headed By Global Leader in 3D Scanning and Printing ExOne is a well-known company that is one of the best global leaders in manufacturing. They provide industrial 3D…

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Reverse Engineering Parts For Air Force

Reverse Engineering Parts For Air Force The military is known for adopting the latest technology to provide easier ways to maintain tools, train soldiers, and update their weapons. Now the Air Force is adopting 3D laser scanning to help scan…

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Artillery Being Scanned For Future Systems

Artillery Being Scanned For Future Systems Using technology to help create better running equipment The military is focused on analyzing older artillery to understand how it works. Why? By studying the original weapons, tools, and devices, they can learn how…

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Army Equipment Scanned With 3D Laser Scanning

Army Equipment Scanned With 3D Laser Scanning The perfect tool for the military Helping create better tools for our military can help save millions of soldiers. We frequently ask them to go overseas and protect us. Now we can adopt…

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Virtual Event for The Air Force

Virtual Event for The Air Force Using technology to solve big problems A new event called the Advanced Manufacturing Olympics has been set for October 20th-23rd to help connect people from multiple areas of defense and learn new technology. It…

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3D Laser Scanning Entering the Military

3D Laser Scanning Entering the Military Helping to prevent the spread of disease The coronavirus has spread across the globe rapidly, and we are now trying to find ways to prevent the further spread of it. The Navy is now…

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