Smarter Spaces Create Virtual Tours During COVID-19 Pandemic

Smarter Spaces Create Virtual Tours During COVID-19 Pandemic Don’t let the pandemic keep you from exploring During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are out of jobs and practicing social distancing. This means a lot of young adults are staying home…

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Personal Protective Equipment Created With 3D Laser Scanning

Personal Protective Equipment Created With 3D Laser Scanning Protecting those who face the virus head-on Over the past few months, a virus has swept across the globe, causing countries to shut down and keeping citizens in place. The only people…

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3D Laser Scanning Helps Doctors and Patients

3D Laser Scanning Helps Doctors and Patients Lack of equipment puts doctors in a war zone Right now, the entire globe is going through something terrible. We are fighting off an invisible invader, we are calling it COVID-19. Millions across…

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Seikowave Creating Custom Masks with 3D Laser Scanning

Seikowave Creating Custom Masks with 3D Laser Scanning Saving doctors and nurses all over the world Matt Bellis, president of Seikowave, was about to close the doors of his technological business when the outbreak of COVID-19 hit his home. He…

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Technology Helping Minimize the Spread of Infection

Technology Helping minimize the Spread of Infection Potentially saving thousands of lives As COVID-19 spreads globally and the number of positive cases increases daily, hospitals are finding they lack medical equipment. COVID-19 has spread much farther and faster than anyone…

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3D Laser Scanning in The Medical Field

3D Laser Scanning in The Medical Field Technology helps to save lives Many companies with 3D laser scanning devices have changed their focus to help hospitals create masks and ventilators that could save lives. COVID-19 is a terrible virus that…

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3D Laser Scanning Entering the Military

3D Laser Scanning Entering the Military Helping to prevent the spread of disease The coronavirus has spread across the globe rapidly, and we are now trying to find ways to prevent the further spread of it. The Navy is now…

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3D Laser Scanners Used to Scan for the Coronavirus

3D Laser Scanners Used to Scan for the Coronavirus A person’s temperature can be captured at a distance At the IHiS headquarters in Serangoon North and St. Andrews community hospital in Simei Singapore, code orange was declared for the Coronavirus….

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